You've got an Email

Hi there!

I'm Claudia and today I'm going to share one of the things I've learnt this days: the e-mail.  

But first, let me explain what an e-mail is: an e-mail (or electronic mail) is a red service which let people send and recieve messages through a telecommunications network.

An e-mail is like an ordinary mail but with two big differences:

  • You don't need paper, envelopes or stamps.
  • E-mails are faster. The receiver can get the e-mail seconds after you sent it.

You just need to know the e-mail address of the person you want to communicate to. 

There are several e-mail providers, here I show you some of them:

  1. Gmail
  3. FastMail
  4. ZohoMail
  5. ProtonMail
  6. Tutanota
  8. Self hosted
  9. Hushmail
  10. SCRYPTMail
  11. Posteo
  12. LuxSci
  13. CounterMail
  14. Malifence
In case you ask what provider is better. Here you have a video with the top 10 of the most secure email services in 2022.

What about e-mail technology?

E-mail technology, that is to say, what the user doesn't see is mucho more complex.

When you send an e-mail, this e-mail doesn't go directly to the receiver's computer. It goes to a mail server (as a different computer) which is part of an Internet Service Provider - ISP. It keeps going to different mail servers until the e-mail is deliverd to the mail server of the receiver's ISP. The receiver’s mail server stores all its clients’ e-mails and arranges them in different mailboxes.

You have to log on to the mail server of you ISP when you want to read you e-mails. 

Do you want to know more about this topic? Click this link!

Tell me, what e-mail provider do you like the most? Why? Read you in comments!

"I do love email. Wherever possible I try to communicate asynchronously. I'm really good at email." - Elon Musk.
